You rent this home? —, I asked amazed.
The place looked so contented.
— The home is mine —, she proudly said. —It’s just the house that’s rented.
Lakeside offers a rental service that enables different contractual possibilities: 6 months contracts, 18 months ones (touristic/temporary), up to the 4-years residential ones.
The choice of the typology of contract depends on one basic condition: the tenant’s need of moving the residency.
The Italian Civil Code provides just one contract which allows you to move your residency: it’s the so called “4 + 4 years” contract. Conversely, if your wish is to relocate just temporarily due to a new job offer or for aholiday purpose, then we can work on a “lighter” contract called “Uso Turistico” or “Uso Transitorio”.
5 Lakeside’s tips for landlords
- Protect your belongings! When thinking about the furnishings of your home to rent, remove everything personally important and precious to you, and lock it away. It’s likely that guests won’t have the same sentimentality towards your personal effects!
- Don’t fall in the trap of cheap furnishings. If you’re going to be adding any furniture to the property for your tenants, don’t think that buying cheap is a good idea: it’s a fake saving! Buy only strong, solid and robust pieces!
- The longer the contract’s term…the emptier the home. If your idea is to rent with a long-term contract, it’s better to leave the property unfurnished: tenants might have their own personal stuff. This means you won’t waste money and time in furniture that is not in line with the tenants’ tastes.
Conversely, if your idea is to run short-term contracts only, you should think about a matter of fact: people coming to stay in the property are there because they do love the Italian style; so, even if your home is modern, you’d better add some traditional Italian touches (e.g. some nice pics of the lake on the wall).
- Let them feel at home since the very beginning! Throwing a welcome pack in for each visitor will make them feel at home. Also, make sure there are loads of brochures and maps left in the property detailing everything there is to do and to see in the vicinity.
- Get all your specific rental insurances in place.
5 Lakeside’s tips for tenants
- Beware of your credit report! It’s one of the most important things a prospective Landlord will look at.
- Your rental history matters. Landlords are more inclined to trust someone who has always consistently paid one’s own rent on time and fulfilled the terms of a lease(s).
- Consider a Pet interview. If you have a dog or a cat, it’s important to understand that they can be a liability when it comes to apply for your next apartment or rental. Let the landlord meeting the pet provides an opportunity to and make a personal assessment of your four-legged friend’s behavior.
- Be on time with monthly rental fee! Your Landlord will appreciate that.
- Talk to your Landlord. Keep the communication open: if there's a problem, talk it over.